Saturday, November 28, 2015

UE 4 - Procedural Dungeon ( 2 )

Second update on the procedural dungeon!

Now supports user-defined rooms! The dungeon-making blueprint seeks out any room actors in the map file, which are all children of a master Room class, and adds them to a list of room definitions. They don't need to be added in by code or put in a specific location, the program automatically adds each one found in the map file (even duplicates) and converts them from a visual model to an X, Y grid format. 

For each of these room actors, grey = do not fill ever, blue = floor and yellow = doorway. These doorways act as a launch point for the recursive corridor generator.

I'll make a better video another time, I have other projects to work on for now!

Friday, November 27, 2015

UE 4 - Procedural Dungeon ( 1 )

Just started this yesterday, but currently able to generate the corridors for a procedural dungeon in UE4

Currently the grid has options for:
 -> grid Size ( X , Y)
 -> % chance to maintain current corridor direction
 -> % chance to connect corridors
 -> % chance to ignore the spacing between rows / columns (fill the gaps)

Goal for tomorrow is to implement pre-built rooms which will be randomly placed inside of the grid.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

UE4 Platform Blueprint

Simple moving platform in UE4 ~ The user can set the start, end, and 3 midpoint positions that the platform will move along. Rotation tweens between the start / end boxes, and a motion path is generated using each object as an anchor point. Huzzah.

UE4 Advanced Materials: Rainbow Skull of Doooooom!

UE4 blueprint / advanced material practice. On contact the skull will fade from a normal color to a dynamic rainbow spectrum - it cycles through the rainbow! Also features glowing pink eyes, because reasons.

Pressing the 'G' key suspends the eye glow and pauses any movement / color changes.